EDP Oviedo



With his latest lines of furniture, such as Versa, Ofita recreates new forms of work in the offices of EDP, Energías de Portugal, in Oviedo.

In this 700m2 headquarters, spacious, bright and designed for the well-being of its occupants, there are room for different uses and spaces, even the most innovative ones, such as the agora, with its bleachers, created with the Forthink furniture line, or the areas equipped with i-Surf, a table with built-in technology, ideal to enhance collaboration between people, both in person and remotely.

The configuration of the workstations favors the collaborative work and the fluid communication between the team, as well as the interdepartmental one. The workspace facilitates that values ​​such as transparency, innovation or transversality are lived and transmitted naturally.

Quality, ergonomics and health have been three fundamental premises in the selection of all the selected furniture. In this sense, for example, height adjustable tables allow users to adjust the height of the table to their height and / or activity, and the Bossa and Dhara chairs ensure that when they are seated they do so in a healthy posture.

The final result, an innovative ecosystem and friendly time, inspired by people and facilitating their activity.




In the development of the project we have worked with our furniture: