Jonatan Molina nos presenta nuestras nuevas oficinas en Madrid

News, Uncategorized|

Jonatan Molina, gerente de Ofita Madrid, nos presenta sus nuevas oficinas y showroom, en San Sebastián de los Reyes. “La pandemia ha cambiado la forma de trabajar, y la oficina se ha convertido en un lugar donde socializar, donde encontrarnos, donde trabajar muy bien en equipo y tener vinculación con la marca, y eso es también lo que hemos intentado generar en este espacio tanto para nuestros propios empleados como para que lo perciban [...]

“Ofita’s advantage in the market is without doubt its level of proximity”

Company, Uncategorized|

        “Ofita’s advantage in the market is without doubt its level of proximity”   We start the year analysing with Nicolas Roudier, Director of Development of Ofita France, recalling some of the main projects carried out to adapt the offices of companies such as EPS or Scheneider. In this interview, Nicolas Roudier talks about Ofita’s differential value and of its challenges.   What events have marked 2019 for Ofita France? One of [...]

Nodal offices and new models humanize work spaces

Uncategorized, Workplace|

We talk about nodal offices and humanization of work environments. Work spaces have undergone radical change. New competitiveness conditions of the global market along with the development of TICs and the progressive incorporation of new generations and corporate cultures have boosted new management methods. And especially new work dynamics and work spaces conceived for people.   The growing importance of talent in organizations and its values requires the creation of more human work environments, comfortable, [...]

Design of offices, five trends that will burst into the scene by 2020


Design of offices, five trends that will burst into the scene by 2020    These last years we have experienced radical changes inside companies and in the design of offices. We have seen how digital revolution has readjusted working methodologies making ever more common the use of new technologies in the office. Speaking with clients who are in another continent by videoconferences, teleworking from home to reconcile family life and using chats and social media [...]

Four generations in the same workspace


These days it is ever more common to see different generations coexisting in the same office. Baby boomers, The X Generation, The Z Generation (Millennials) and now Centennials meet in one same space which makes it necessary to listen to their requirements in order to manage the design of furniture in an optimal and functional manner.   “Offices are changing and today we witness how graduates coexist in one same space with people over 45 [...]

Happyness at work – 8 keys to turn your office into a happy place


Happyness at work - Employees most committed with their workplaces are happier and respond being up to 30% more productive. Benefits do not result only in productivity. It has been verified that happy employees can increase their creativity up to 86% and improve their health up to 20%. In this context, it is important for companies to realise the advantages of turning into places increasingly comfortable, where both parties, employee and employer, may obtain positive [...]

Spaces for innovation in companies


  Spaces for innovation - There are many factors related to companies which have an impact on staff productivity. Among them, the work environment and its furniture impact on employees’ behavior and may promote aspects related for example to creativity, the generation of new ideas and the collaboration between people. Work spaces are key to motivation, wellbeing and productivity of employees but also to corporate innovation. If we want our company to be innovative we [...]

Colour trends; an ally to boost productivity and attract customers


  New colour trends show that pastel colours and those evoking nature create a greater feeling of harmony and wellbeing in environments. This does not only promote the wellbeing of employees but also helps customers feel more comfortable.   Visili Kandinsky, pioneer of abstract art, already expressed this by mid of last century: “Colour is a power which directly influences the soul”. An ever growing idea when we discover that the visual impression generated by [...]

How employees are transforming workspaces


How employees are transforming workspaces   Workspaces are no longer as before. If some years ago it was usual to see perfectly separated cubicles, today this paradigm seems to have fallen behind giving place to collaborative spaces with leisure areas where employees have an important voice in the decision making process. This is explained as a way to retain employees and therefore, avoid the dwindling talent drain. Also, it has been evidenced that places where [...]


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