Ofita took part in the Workplace Summit Barcelona held on 30th November organized by IFMA (International Facility Manager Association Spain).


workplace summit


Innovation, flexibility and more productive work environments were the issues discussed in this must for the professionals interested in new workplace trends. The day started with the welcome speech of COAC Dean, Marc Blasco.

Maitena Marín, A&D Market Manager, was in charge of the presentation of the Workplace Summit Barcelona, one of Ofita’s most innovative solutions: Forthink. Maitena explained that new working practices and specially agile innovation processes and methodologies require new work environments; spaces which ease visual work; meeting spaces to share what has been learnt; team work spaces and spaces to nimbly share knowledge; flexible and dynamic areas to organize the space depending on group needs…Forthink helps teams to work in a more visual, cooperative and collaborative manner.

The architect Felip Neri gave a holistic vision of the evolution of architecture in workplace environments. Muriel Altunaga, director of projects in CBRE, presented the first WELL-certified project in Spain. Sandra Martín – Lara, Manager of CasaLow, shared a Bioclimatic Co-Working space project. Alfonso García, Manager of Facility Management exposed the project for the implementation and management of Cuatrecasas headquarters. Eduardo Arazola, Managing Director of EASAED, talked about the constant dilemma between the different generations coexisting in companies and José Manuel Castelví, managing director in The Mail Company, talked about digital innovation and transformation in companies “on the road towards paperless offices”.


workplace summit


The event was closed by Gitte Andersen, ISS Global Head of Workspace Management & Design, talking about spaces as a strategic tool to improve organizations. The day was closed by Francisco García Ahumada, President of IFMA España