Flexiworking is a concept that more companies are betting on every day, especially after the impact of the pandemic. New technologies have opened a new world of labor relations like this new concept of labor flexibility.

Although a few years ago the values ​​that prevailed when choosing a company to work for were salary and job security, today professionals consider other criteria based on personal development and the reconciliation of work and family life at the time to choose the company where they want to work.

For their part, companies have also changed their approach to valuing workers, focusing more on real performance factors rather than the classic ‘ face-to-face ‘.

What is flexiworking ?

But do you know what flexiworking is ? This new concept goes beyond job flexibility. It is the elasticity of work elevated to all the senses.

The flexiworking is a different way of understanding the concept of work and allows the employee to adjust your schedule and way of working to the needs of their daily lives. In principle, all the elements are capable of being adapted to the needs of the worker: vacations, schedules, working hours, workplace …

The important thing is to do the job well, not what time you do it or where you work.

Flexiworking also means choosing which days you want to work longer and which days less. Also the possibility of working for projects or objectives and not for days or hours.


Advantages of flexiworking

Although, logically, flexiworking is not equally valid for all types of business, the benefits of adopting the model of the flexiworking are considerable for both the company and the worker:

  • It encourages the reconciliation of work life with personal and family life. This helps the worker value their job much more.
  • Increase employee loyalty . The flexiworking decreases the rotation of the template, a consequence of this assessment of the position.
  • The flexiworking decreases absenteeism . It reduces the number of absences, justified or not, among the workers of a company.
  • Key to attracting and retaining talent. Above all, for the new generations, flexibility is a fundamental requirement when choosing a company and feeling identified with its brand
  • Savings in travel , both time and money.
  • Greater motivation . Because thanks to flexiworking you can organize yourself and perfectly combine your work and personal life.
  • Increase worker happiness . The facilities that flexiworking gives the worker improve their life, reduce stress and increase their happiness.
  • The flexiworking improves pride of ownership by the employee, who feels more identified and committed to a company that listens to the demands of their workers and makes life easier.
  • Higher productivity . Job satisfaction and working when you have more energy increases your efficiency and productivity.
  • The flexiworking has a potential cost reduction for the company and the worker. For example, the former can optimize their workspaces with concepts such as hot desking , where there are no assigned positions and workers choose where to work when they go to the workplace.

Flexible workspaces for flexiworking

The office is a tool at the service of the work dynamics of each company. So flexiworking needs spaces that are too. In a previous post, we talked about what a flexible office is .

Generally, the flexible space is linked to a new concept of employee who does not have a fixed place, since it does not matter where he is, but that he is connected. The flexible office offers professionals a space that is much better suited to what they are looking for.