
Our bodies are made for movement. That is why one of our best health options is to vary between seated and standing positions throughout the work day.

That is why we developed Easylevel, Ofita’s most cost-conscious height adjustable desk.

Its electrical adjustment allows the user to adjust the height easily and quickly, allowing him to switch positions with the touch of a button.

Easylevel’s height adjustment adapts to the user’s anatomy and adds functionality to the desk. Depending on the chosen height, it can even become a spontaneous spot for idea sharing.

Easylevel becomes the ideal and most economical desk for dynamic spaces and active working.

Its height adjustability, between 740 and 1100 mm, works with silent, energy efficient columns, with three control panel options, two of which can work via BlueTooth linked to free apps.



Do you need information or a quote for the Easylevel table ?


Contact us and we will advise you on everything you need.